Saturday, October 01, 2011

Diagnostic logging in Sharepoint

How to turn on diagnostic logging in Sharepoint projects.

Error Occurred in deployment step 'Add Solution': Value cannot be null. Parameter name: s

So what on earth could be causing this error? Well, I stumbled across a registry edit that enabled diagnostics logging for SharePoint projects in VS 2010 (thanks to Glyn Clough for letting me know about it).

Enable Diagnostics Logging for SharePoint Projects in Visual Studio 2010
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\SharePointTools] "EnableDiagnostics"=dword:00000001

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Warm up your SharePoint Web Applications on Windows 2008 R2 using the IIS 7.5 Application Warm-Up module | SharePoint George

For those requiring application warmups without writing painful scripts: – IIS 7 & IIS 7.5 Below.

With the introduction of IIS 7.5 and Windows 2008 R2 however, there is an actual module developed by the IIS team that will integrate directly with IIS allowing you to seamlessly enable your application pools to load your web applications after a recycle occurs.  You can download the extension here; At the time of this writing, the Application Warm-Up module is still in beta, but I have been using it on our production servers for over a month without any hiccups.

Warm up your SharePoint Web Applications on Windows 2008 R2 using the IIS 7.5 Application Warm-Up module | SharePoint George

Saturday, August 06, 2011

SharePoint Reviews: The Power of SharePoint Web Services. Now in the Browser!

SharePoint Reviews: The Power of SharePoint Web Services. Now in the Browser!: "Sliced bread. Pocket on a shirt. Indoor plumbing. A thousand songs in your pocket. Yes, SPServices is that revolutionary.

If you have to use Javascript, you better be using jQuery. If you're using Sharepoint and Javascript, SPServices is another include you'll need.

List of SharePoint App Stores « T3chnicalLead

List of SharePoint App Stores « T3chnicalLead: "Here’s a list of the SharePoint ‘app stores’ I’ve come across in my travels"

Calculated Field Formulas

Calculated Field Formulas

For SPS Lists, here's the Calculated Field Formulas.

How come External Lists can't do this? Combining SQL tables with Sharepoint business logic could be a powerful tool.

Inspecting The SharePoint Content Database « Ethan's blog

Inspecting The SharePoint Content Database « Ethan's blog

Querying the Sharepoint Database without using the API is a don't - unless you decide to do it so here's the queries you need.